
Kobe Distillery


Whiskey and Brandy,
2 types of distillers

Kobe Distillery was established with the aim of creating new Kobe specialty products in the "Fruit and Flower Park",

at Kobe's Roadside Station in Kobe surrounded by nature.

Brandy, in a historic French-made direct flame distiller,

and whiskey, in a new copper single-type distiller,

are made in the two large stills in the small distillery interact with each other while creating delicious spirits.


Asia’s largest distiller has awakened
after 28 years of sleep

Kobe Distillery uses a dedicated brandy distiller that production was once discontinued 28 years ago.

It is also used for the production of cognac and is called "Alambique Charente" (single distiller)
and is a distiller imported directly from France.

It was made with the latest technology at that time and was very expensive,
so it is very rare to see it in operation in Japan today.

See here for details


New Single Malt Whiskey produced in Kobe

Kobe Whiskey produced in the Fruit Flower Park surrounded by nature in Kobe, Kita-ku

Striving to produce a mellow, deep flavor
High quality malt is used for ingredients
Domestic barrels are also used

A new distilled spirit made in a historic location
A new copper distiller shines in the distillery

See here for details





Kobe Distillery open


It was published in the Sankei Shimbun evening edition

▶︎▶︎See more news


You may not be able to reach us by phone while we are in the process of manufacturing.
Please use the form for inquiries as much as possible.

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*We currently are not open for public tours.


Kobe Distillery

2150 Kamiozo,Brides House,
Blythe House,
Ozocho, Kita-ku,Kobe 651-1522


ストップ飲酒 Stop! Drinking under the age of 20 and drinking and driving is against the law. Enjoy drinking in moderation. Drinking alcohol during pregnancy and breastfeeding should be avoided. Recycle after drinking. リサイクル
Stop! Drinking under the age of 20 and drinking and driving is against the law. Enjoy drinking in moderation. Drinking alcohol during pregnancy and breastfeeding should be avoided. Recycle after drinking.
ストップ飲酒 リサイクル

Operator: GrowStars Inc.
© 2022GrowStars INC.